Demi's P.O.V- That night Kennedy got very sick. She started to throw up and get really hot, i let her sleep in today and let her decide what she wanted to do when she woke up. First i make breakfast and Kyle and his some Chase come over. Kennedy loves Chase, their like best friends, she sill has very mixed feeling's about Kyle. She comes down stairs and sits at the table. -Morning cookie. Kennedy-*Scratchy voice* Hi. -You sound horrible *kisses head* and your hot. Kennedy-I guess i'm loosing my voice. -Do you still want to go to school? Kennedy-I have to. We've got cheer practice and Issac has football practice -If you say so. If you wanna get their on time, go get ready now. Kennedy-Alright *Walks upstairs* Kennedy's P.O.V- I walk upstairs and look in the mirror, i look and feel like shit. I go over to my closet and pull out my cheer sweats, american egal shirt and sweat shirt. Find my glasses and put on my Nike's. Walking down stairs i here Chase running up them, he runs into me and i pick him up. -Whoah! Slow down there Chasey, dont want you to get hurt. Chase-I wont Kenny! -You better not *Kisses nose* Chase-Are you feeling better? -Just a little. Listen, why dont you go downstairs and tell your daddy that i'll see you guys later ok? Chase-OK! *runs off* He runs off and i giggle, he was to be the cuttest kid ever. I walk out my bed room down and walk over to the book case, pull it aside, ride the slide down and walk out to Issac's car. ** So i know i said 5 comments for the next but i just could not wait. so 3+ for the next. Questions 1. What do you think about this story so far? 2. What do you think will happen at school?